Wed, 24 Oct 2007 18:44:23 GMT
This is Halloween! Kyiv Post, Ukraine - At Killena you can also buy special Halloween lingerie for quite affordable prices. So you got your costume. Now it’s time to make a list of Halloween ... |
Has Tangipahoa hit a Post-Katrina housing slump? (Hammond Daily Star)
Wed, 24 Oct 2007 18:53:57 GMT
The post-Katrina building boom that is driving up home costs has some buyers holding out, waiting to see if property values will come back down. In the meantime, some new houses are sitting empty.
Affordable House - Addendum - Plan P (Design Nos. 47-49)
Wed, 17 Oct 2007 11:36:00 GMT
The Affordable House is an online book describing and portraying beautiful houses, homes and home designs in various styles that you can build for yourself.
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